Public Engagement

Soapbox Science- Sheffield
Discussion Topic: “Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the ‘thinnest’ of them all?: a lifespan journey into body shape (mis)perception.” which was presented to the general public by Dr Valentina Cazzato.
Saturday 22nd September 2018
The Moor, Sheffield
Soapbox science is an event in which women from science present their research on a soapbox stand to members of the general public who may be naive to their research area. Each speaker was allocated a 1hr slot in which they were present on the soap box. The general public could come and go as they pleased and were free to ask any questions throughout the talk regarding the research. It was recommended that speakers prepared 10-15 minutes worth of a speech, which could be repeated for any of the public who may have missed any part of the speech.
It was recommended that in order to aid the public visually with any parts of the talk, props could be made and brought. These props could not include a PowerPoint presentation. In order to help with the topic concerning body image, Dr Valentina Cazzato created a tDCS which helped those members of pubclic who may not be familiar with this equipment. Other props which were made to help with the talk included a mirror and Instagram posts with distorted body images of celebrities (as shown below).
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